Business Prompts Page 26 - Total 570 prompt(s)

Brainstorm Pain Points

Act as a [Write Target Persona Here]. What pain points do they face and what language would they use for [Enter Goals Here]?

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Research Prospect From LinkedIn

Summarize [Paste / Enter LinkedIn Profile Url Here] into 10 bullet points, brainstorm the pain points they have around [Write Topic Here]

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Perfect Prompt Generator

I'd like you to help me design the perfect prompt. You will be my prompt generator. Your job is to guide me in crafting a prompt that's just right for my needs, which you, ChatGPT, will then respond to.I will provide you with some steps below which you need to follow to the point.Here's how we'll proceed:First, you'll ask what I want the topic of the prompt to be.After hearing me out, you'll offer a three-part response:1) Updated Prompt:  Rewrite my initial prompt so it's straightforward and easily comprehensible for you.2) Suggestions:  Offer insights on specifics I could include to make the prompt even better.3) Queries:  Ask any necessary questions that will help clarify and improve our prompt.If everything is understood, please reply "YES SIR" and ask me about the topic. 

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Team Bonding Retreat

I am planning a team bonding retreat for [Enter Number of Team Members Here] with a focus on [Write a Specific Focus e.g., trust-building etc.]. Can you suggest activities and a suitable itinerary?

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Skill Development

I'd like to facilitate skill development for my team of [Enter Number of Team Members Here] focusing on [Write Specific Skills Here]. Can you help me devise a plan with resources and milestones?

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Collaborative Project Planning

I need to organize a collaborative project planning session for my team of [Enter Number of Team Members Here] focusing on [Write The Project's Main Goal Here]. Can you help me outline steps and processes?

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Team Wellness Program

I am thinking of introducing a wellness program for my team of [Enter Number of Team Members Here] focusing on [Write Specific Wellness Focus Here e.g., mental health etc.]. Can you help me brainstorm activities and initiatives?

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Leadership Development

I want to develop leadership skills among [Enter Number of Team Members Here] with varying levels of experience in [Write Fields of Experience Here].Can you help me design a leadership development program?

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Diversity and Inclusion

I want to promote diversity and inclusion in my team of [Enter Number of Team Members Here] with a current state of [Write The Current State of Diversity Here]. Can you help me design initiatives and activities?

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Feedback and Recognition

I want to create a feedback and recognition system for my team of [Enter Number of Team Members Here] with a focus on [Write a Specific Focus Here e.g., project completion, innovation etc.]. Can you help me design this system?

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