Business Prompts Page 25 - Total 570 prompt(s)

Newsletter Inspiration

What are the top trends in [Write Industry Here] that I can include in my next newsletter focused on [Write Details About Your Newsletter Here]

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Facebook Ad (PAS)

Product Name: [Write Product Name Here]Product Description: [Write Product Description Here]Write a PAS for the product Convert the Problem Agitate Solution into Facebook ad copy Write a Facebook ad headline

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Google Ads - Paid Ads

Create 10 google ads (a headline and a description) for [Write Product Description Here] targeting the keyword [Write Target Keyword Here]. The headline of the ad needs to be under 30 characters. The description needs to be under 90 characters. Format the output as a table.

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LinkedIn Post

Create a narrative Linkedin post using immersive writing about [Write Topic Here].Details: [Write/Give Details in Bullet Point Format Here]Use a mix of short and long sentences. Make it punchy and dramatic.

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Using the 'Attention-Interest-Desire-Action' framework, write an email marketing campaign that highlights the [Write Features Here] of [Write Your Product/Service Here] and explains how these [Write Advantages Here] can be helpful to [Write Ideal Customer Persona Here].Elaborate on the [Write Benefits Here] of [Write Your Product/Service Here] and how it can positively impact the reader.

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Using the 'Pain-Agitate-Solution' framework, please write an email marketing campaign that highlights the [Write Features Here] of [Write Your Product/Service Here] and explains how these [Write Advantages Here] can be helpful to [Write Ideal Customer Persona Here].Elaborate on the [Write Benefits Here] of [Write Your Product/Service Here] and how it can positively impact the reader.

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Using the 'Features-Advantages-Benefits' framework, please write an email marketing campaign that highlights the [Write Features Here] of [Write Your Product/Service Here] and explains how these [Write Advantages Here] can be helpful to [Write Ideal Customer Persona Here].Elaborate on the [Write Benefits Here] of [Write Your Product/Service Here] and how it can positively impact the reader.

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Facebook Video Script

Write a Facebook ad video script for [Write/Paste Product Description Here] that speaks directly to [Enter Your Target Audience Here] and addresses their pain points and desires

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Facebook Headlines

Brainstorm 20 compelling headlines for a Facebook ad promoting [Write/Paster Product Description Here] for [Enter Target Audience Here]. Format the output as a table.

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Facebook Ad

Create 3 variations of effective ad copy to promote [Write Product Here] for [Enter Target Audience Here]. Make sure they are [Persuasive/Playful/Emotional] and mention these benefits:[Benefit 1][Benefit 2][Benefit 3]Finish with a call to action saying [CTA]. Add 3 emojis to it.

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