Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts for Technical Interview Preparation

October 4, 2023

These ChatGPT prompts for technical interviews cover a wide range of scenarios. Perfect for honing interview skills and gaining valuable insights.

Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts for Technical Interview Preparation

Prompt 1: I’m interviewing for [Your Role] at [Company Name]. I have [Your Experience] in [Your Domain]. What are the technical aspects that need to be covered for the technical interview? Give me a list in order.


Prompt 2: Please provide a set of potential questions, expected responses, and relevant insights for a [Your Role] preparing for an interview in a [Company] that specializes in [Company Domain].


Prompt 3: Consider yourself as a hiring manager and ask me questions on [Your Domain], and I’m going to provide an answer. Give me feedback on my answer: What part of my answer stood out? What pieces were missing? What did I do well, and what may I have done differently, in light of best practices for interviews?


Prompt 4: Please provide [Count] potential [Domain] technical interview questions at [Company], along with sample responses and insights.


Prompt 5: Consider yourself as a hiring manager, Shoot me potential questions a [Your Role] might face at [Company], what answers they could provide, and how it shows relevant skills.


Prompt 6: I’m preparing for a [Your Role] interview at [Company]. Can you provide me with [Count] challenging technical questions that are commonly asked in such interviews, along with detailed answers?


Prompt 7: Imagine you are a technical interviewer at [Company] hiring for a [Your Role] position. Could you share the technical interview questions you would ask to assess a candidate’s expertise, and what kind of responses you’d be looking for?


Prompt 8: I have an upcoming technical interview at [Company] for a [Your Role] position. Can you provide me with insightful and relevant technical questions that might be asked during the interview, as well as tips on how to approach them effectively?


Prompt 9: As someone experienced in technical interviews for [Your Role] positions at [Company], can you suggest asking me challenging questions that assess my technical knowledge and problem-solving skills, along with strategies to tackle them?


Prompt 10: I’m getting ready for a technical interview at [Company] for a [Your Role] role. Could you please share [Count] technical questions that often come up in these interviews and provide guidance on how to give strong responses?