How to Boost Your Sales With 10 ChatGPT Prompts

October 10, 2023

These ChatGPT prompts can boost your sales incredibly. These useful prompts can really amp up sales strategies for your business.

How to Boost Your Sales With 10 ChatGPT Prompts

1. Objection-handling & Negotiation Guidance

Prompt: "Act like a [insert title here] in [insert industry here] who is hesitant about the cost of [insert your product or service here]. 
Roleplay a conversation discussing the value and benefits the product/service offers."

2. Social Selling

Prompt: "Write a 50-word LinkedIn message explaining how [your product or service] can address the challenges of [a specific role or buyer] in [industry]."

3. Call Scripts / Sales Pitches

Prompt: "Write a three-minute video script for [insert title here] at [insert prospect company here] summarizing the benefits of [insert your product or service here]. End the video script by reminding them of an upcoming meeting on [insert date and time here]."

4. Sales Enablement (Onboarding)

Prompt: "Create a presentation outline that includes [insert your company’s  mission statement], [insert your company’s target customer here] and the benefits of [insert your product(s) or service(s) here]."

5. Customer, Product, & Industry Research

Prompt: "Describe the key factors that influence customer purchasing decisions for [insert product or service type here] in [insert industry here]."

6. Sales Report Writing

"You are a Sales Representative.
Today, your task is to write a sales report for the past month.
Here is some initial information to help you with the request:

Sales data: [Details about the sales made, leads generated, etc.] 
Key achievements: [Major deals closed, new clients, acquired, etc.]
Challenges: [Any difficulties faced, areas for improvement, etc.]"

7. Write a Cold Email to a Sales Lead

Prompt: "John’s LinkedIn summary: [insert text here]. Write a cold email to Katie, whom I just found on LinkedIn."

8. Sales Prospecting Emails

Prompt: "As [your name and company/ industry], write an introductory warm sales email to [prospect name] from [prospect industry and company name]."

9. Follow-up Emails

Prompt: "Write a 100-word follow-up email to [prospect name] whom I've just had a call with and who is now ready to [action]."

10. Closing Sales

Prompt: "Draft a follow-up email aimed at closing a sale with a prospect who has shown strong interest in our [product/service]."