36 ChatGPT Prompts to Build Startup in 2023

October 12, 2023

They really encapsulate the innovative and transformative spirit needed to build a successful startup. Excited to explore these ideas and see what they can inspire.

36 ChatGPT Prompts to Build Startup in 2023

1. The SpaceX Method

Prompt: Learn how to launch your startup into orbit by following the principles of SpaceX, such as [vision, innovation, and resilience].

2. The Tesla Formula

Prompt: Find out how to create a product that customers love and competitors envy by applying the Tesla formula, such as [design, quality, and sustainability].

3. The Neuralink Challenge

Prompt: Explore how to push the boundaries of human potential by taking on the Neuralink challenge, such as [solving hard problems, building interdisciplinary teams, and embracing feedback].

4. The SolarCity Solution

Prompt: Discover how to make a positive impact on the world by adopting the SolarCity solution, such as [reducing carbon footprint, increasing energy efficiency, and creating value for customers].

5. The PayPal Revolution

Prompt: Learn how to disrupt an industry and create a loyal fan base by joining the PayPal revolution, such as [leveraging technology, simplifying processes, and empowering users].

6. The Boring Company Strategy

Prompt: Find out how to turn a boring idea into an exciting opportunity by using the Boring Company strategy, such as [thinking differently, being playful, and having fun].

7. The Hyperloop Vision

Prompt: Explore how to transform the future of transportation by sharing the Hyperloop vision, such as [speed, safety, and sustainability].

8. The OpenAI Mission

Prompt: Discover how to harness the power of artificial intelligence for good by supporting the OpenAI mission, such as [democratizing access, ensuring alignment, and fostering collaboration].

9. The Starlink Advantage

Prompt: Learn how to connect with anyone, anywhere by taking advantage of Starlink, such as [low latency, high bandwidth, and global coverage].

10. The Neuralace Concept

Prompt: Find out how to enhance your brain-computer interface by experimenting with the Neuralace concept, such as [wireless, implantable, and biocompatible].

11. The 10x Engineer

Prompt: Describe the character traits and skills I should look for when hiring the first 10x engineers and AI researchers for [my startup].

12. The 1,000 True Fans

Prompt: Outline how I can identify and cultivate the first 1,000 true fans for [my product/service] to gain a solid foundation of loyal customers and evangelists.

13. The Silicon Valley Edge

Prompt: Detail how I can leverage Silicon Valley's unique startup culture, access to capital and talent to scale [my product/service] rapidly.

14. The Founder's Dilemma

Prompt: Provide advice on how I can balance my roles as technologist, visionary and CEO of [my startup] to maximize its chances of success.

15. The 21st Century Lifestyle

Prompt: Outline how [my product/service] could enable and enhance the 21st century lifestyle that Elon Musk envisions, with increased automation, connectivity and sustainability.

16. The Open Sourced Approach

Prompt: Describe how open sourcing parts of [my product/service] could attract developers, garner feedback, improve reliability and accelerate innovation within [my industry].

17. The Mythical Man-Month

Prompt: Explain how I can avoid the "Mythical Man-Month" phenomenon where adding developers to a late software project makes it later, based on Elon Musk's management approaches.

18. The Steve Jobs Playbook

Prompt: Outline how I can apply Steve Jobs' principles for innovative product design - focus, simplicity, craftsmanship and empathy - to [my product/service].

19. The Hacker Mentality

Prompt: Explain how adopting a "hacker mentality" of questioning assumptions, experimenting frequently and learning rapidly could help [my startup] succeed.

20. The Hyperloop Vision

Prompt: Outline a vision for how [my industry] could be transformed using a hyperloop-like approach that combines multiple existing technologies in an unprecedented way.

21. The Viral Growth Strategy

Prompt: Provide a viral growth strategy tailored to [my product/service] that leverages the network effect, user incentives and the importance of early adopters.

22. The Moonshot Mentality

Prompt: Explain how adopting a "moonshot mentality" of setting ambitious goals, challenging status quos and thinking unconventionally could help [my startup] succeed.

23. The 10x Marketing

Prompt: Describe how I can apply Elon Musk and Tesla's approach of focusing on the product, storytelling and word-of-mouth marketing to achieve 10x results for [my startup].

24. The Human-AI Symbiosis

Prompt: Outline a vision for how [my product/service] could contribute to the emerging human-AI symbiosis - the merging of human and artificial intelligence capabilities.

25. The Brand Building

Prompt: Provide strategic advice on how I can build a brand for [my product/service] that is as distinctive, aspirational and culturally relevant as Tesla's.

26. The Talent Magnet

Prompt: Explain how I can build [my startup] into a talent magnet that attracts the world's best engineers, scientists and designers by providing an inspiring mission and environment.

27. The Big Hairy Audacious Goal

Prompt: Outline a "Big Hairy Audacious Goal" for [my product/service] that would capture the public imagination, attract top talent and become a catalyst for transformation in [my industry].

28. The S-Curve Advantage

Prompt: Describe how [my product/service] could gain an advantage by being at the leading edge of an S-curve of exponential growth and disruption within [my industry].

29. The Future of [My Industry]

Prompt: Outline a bold, optimistic yet grounded vision for the future of [my industry] that is inspired by Elon Musk's visions for transportation, energy and space exploration.

30. The Funding Strategy

Prompt: Provide strategic advice on how I can secure funding for [my startup] using a combination of venture capital, government grants, crowdfunding and other sources.

31. The PR Playbook

Prompt: Outline how I can generate significant positive media coverage for [my startup] using Elon Musk and Tesla's PR strategies of cultivating journalists and sharing an inspiring vision.

32. The Product-Led Growth

Prompt: Describe how I can architect [my product/service] from the start to facilitate product-led growth where the product itself becomes the main growth engine.

33. The Unfair Advantage

Prompt: Explain how I can identify and build an "unfair, sustainable advantage" for [my startup] that competitors cannot easily replicate or overcome.

34. The X Effect

Prompt: Discover how iterating and improving your product based on customer feedback, like X evolved into PayPal, can help [my startup] succeed.

35. The Online University Effect

Prompt: Learn how leveraging technology to make education accessible, like online universities did, can transform [my industry].

36. The Billion Dollar Startup

Prompt: Describe how I can architect [my product/service] to achieve the scale, growth and global impact of a billion dollar startup like Tesla or SpaceX.