21 ChatGPT Prompts For Top Copywriters

October 14, 2023

Super creative and useful ChatGPT prompts for copywriters. You can use this prompts while content creating.

21 ChatGPT Prompts For Top Copywriters

Copywriting Techniques

1. Craft a piece leveraging imagery and visual aids to captivate the target audience, helping them comprehend the benefits of [niche/product]. Utilize this information: [insert additional details about your product or niche].

2. Compose a piece incorporating industry-specific jargon to showcase the writer's expertise and comprehension in the field. Employ this information: [insert additional insights about your product or niche].

Customer Avatar

3. Define demographic information (age, gender, location, etc.) of individuals seeking details about the [insert your niche] niche.

4. Outline the education and employment status of those seeking information on the [insert your niche] niche.

5. Explore brand preferences and loyalty among people interested in the [insert your niche] niche.

Niche Information

6. Examine demographics and psychographics of the target audience within the [insert your niche] niche.

7. Address pain points and challenges experienced by the target audience in the [insert your niche] niche.

8. Illuminate the goals and aspirations of the target audience within the [insert your niche] niche.

9. Analyze buying habits and behavior patterns of the target audience in the [insert your niche] niche.

Bullet Points

10. Discover X surprisingly simple ways to enhance your experience with this product: [insert information about your product].

11. Learn how to obtain - for free! - with this product: [insert information about your product].

12. Uncover valuable insights from ___ that can transform your understanding of __ using this product: [insert information about your product].

Copywriting Frameworks

13. Employ the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) framework to create persuasive content promoting [insert information about your product].

14. Implement the PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution) framework to effectively promote [insert information about your product].


15. Address the objection "It's too expensive" with this response: [insert additional information about your product or niche].

16. Tackle the objection "I don't have the budget for it" using this response: [insert additional information about your product or niche].

17. Counter the objection "I don't need it right now" with this response: [insert additional information about your product or niche].


18. Overcome every obstacle effortlessly with these valuable tips for [insert information about your product].

19. Avoid these ___ mistakes that can make you seem foolish when using [insert information about your product].


20. Script for a follow-up phone call to gauge customer satisfaction and request a testimonial after using [insert information about your product].

21. Craft a series of social media posts showcasing positive customer experiences and encouraging testimonials for [insert information about your product].